PC Morning Mail

Attention Undergraduate Researchers and Writers!

You are invited to submit a 250-word abstract to be considered for inclusion in the 16th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference on Health and Society hosted by the Department of Health Sciences at Providence College on April 5, 2025. This interdisciplinary conference welcomes paper proposals that address topics related to health, healthcare, health equity or health policy, including Anthropology, Biomedical Ethics, Community Health, Economics, Health Care Management, Health Policy, History, Literature, Political Science, Public Health, and Sociology.

Please direct any questions to pchealthpolicyconference@gmail.com

Background has picture of providence and there is a QR code for the google form

Request for Accommodation

If you are a person with a disability and require an assistive device, service, or other accommodation to participate in a program or event, please contact the Central Reservations Manager (401.865.1040; Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm) well in advance of the event.