Please join Dr. Bonoan (Biology) in Science Complex, Room 206 for a panel discussion on Careers in Environmental Biology on Wed, Apr 2, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Panelists will all join virtually, give you some insight into a day in their career, discuss the path they took, and provide suggestions on job searching in the current climate. If you have specific questions, there will be time for student Q&A.
Panelists will include:
Dr. Walter Berry, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Alum from EPA’s Narragansett Laboratory, currently working with the Land Conservancy of North Kingston
Susan Forcier, Esq., Deputy Director, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
Heather Kinney, Coastal Restoration Program Manager, The Nature Conservancy
Brian Swett, Chief Climate Officer, City of Boston
Snacks will be provided! RSVP (see link) appreciated, but not required.