PC Morning Mail

History Reads the News!-Today (3/25), 5:15pm in AQ Lounge

Join us for this month’s History Reads the News, where topics will include Women’s History Month, Social Work Month, and female icons! Join us on 3/25 in Aquinas Lounge at 5:15pm.

"Poster for 'History Reads the News' event on March 25, 2025, 5:15 pm at Aquinas Lounge. Features images of suffragettes, diverse women, and a handprint tree, with discussions on Women's History Month, Social Work Month, and female icons. Refreshments provided."

Request for Accommodation

If you are a person with a disability and require an assistive device, service, or other accommodation to participate in a program or event, please contact the Central Reservations Manager (401.865.1040; Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm) well in advance of the event.