PC Morning Mail

Catholic Environmentalism?-Today (9/27), 3:30pm in Ruane 105

Some people view Church teachings and environmentalism as being at odds. But at today’s Humanities Forum, Professor Marie George of St. John’s University examines Pope Benedict XVI’s writings to argue that the Church offers a vision of care for nature that is both traditionally rooted and more expansive than secular environmentalism. Join us, Ruane 105, 3:30pm

A Talk with Dr. Kimberly Juanita Brown-Tonight (9/26), 5:30pm

In her lecture, titled “Blurred Repertoires: Race, Gender, and the Civil Rights of Photography,” Dr. Brown will draw from her new book, “Mortevivum: Photography and the Politics of the Visual” to examine Black women’s visual representation in photographs from the civil rights movement
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LET’S TALK!!!-On Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30pm

Let’s Talk is a program that provides easy access to informal, confidential, drop-in, and one-time brief conversations/informational meetings. Let’s talk is not formal counseling/therapy and is not meant to be accessed regularly. Nor is it meant to be the first appointment to begin counseling for ongoing concerns/issues. Appointments are limited to 15 minutes.
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Request for Accommodation

If you are a person with a disability and require an assistive device, service, or other accommodation to participate in a program or event, please contact the Central Reservations Manager (401.865.1040; Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm) well in advance of the event.