Registration is open for the RIFC match on Saturday, October 26th! A bus will leave from PC at 7pm and the game begins at 8pm. Visit IMLeagues for more information.
Category: This Weekend’s Events
Men’s Basketball vs UMass-Saturday (10/26)
Come to the AMP this Saturday at 4pm to support the basketball team!
Salem Halloween Trip- Sunday (10/27)
Register on PC Central an join us off campus in Salem, MA for Halloween festivities and exploring the historical coastal scenery! From 10am-5pm, the bus will leave from behind Ray Dining Hall
Men’s Club Ice Hockey vs Bryant- Sunday (10/27)
Come to support the men’s club ice hockey in the Schneider arena at 6pm
Club Field Hockey vs Quinnipiac- Sunday (10/27)
Club Field Hockey will be playing this Sunday at 4:45pm in Lennon Field!
Club Tennis vs Bryant- Sunday (10/27)
Come to the Tennis Courts this Sunday at 12pm to support the club tennis team
Hiking Trip to Mt. Monadnock-Saturday (10/26)
Register on PC Central for a day hike to one of New Hampshire’s best mountains filled with fun, exercise and beautiful views! The bus will be leaving at 8am behind Ray Dining Hall.
Men’s Rugby vs Bowdoin- Saturday (10/26)
Come to support the men’s rugby team in Hendricken Field at 2pm!