PC Morning Mail

What is Latinx Literary Studies?-Friday (1/31), 4:30pm in Slavin LL1

A dialogue with Profs Tommy Conners and Maia Gil’Adí about Latinx immigration, identity, literature, politics, and scholarship. Profs Gil’Adí and Conners are co-editors of NYU Press’ forthcoming collection, Latinx Methods and the Politics of Praxis, which brings together scholars from multiple disciplines to explore the state of the field of Latinx Studies. Reception and refreshments to follow. Thomas Conners is Assistant Professor of Latinx Studies and World Languages & Cultures at Allegheny College; his research and teaching interests include U.S. Latinx, Caribbean, and Latin American literatures, as well as critical race, queer, and legal studies. Maia Gil’Adí is Assistant Professor of Latinx Studies at Johns Hopkins University; Duke University Press recently published her first book, Doom Patterns, which explores speculative fiction as a site for theorizing Latinx identity and historical trauma across national and ethnic borders. Event presented by the American Studies program, with co-sponsorship from the Latin American and Latina/o Studies program and the Dialogue, Inclusion and Democracy Lab.

orange, purple and yellow background with images of the speakers

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